The Lanai Islands project in Dubai is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at setting a new benchmark in luxury and innovation. This audacious development involves the construction of a series of artificial islands off the coast of Dubai, each designed with distinct thematic elements and functionality. Planned to include residential units, commercial establishments, recreational venues, and extensive green spaces, the Lanai Islands are poised to redefine urban living while promoting sustainability and ecological balance.
Each dwelling is designed to provide residents with unmatched views of the Persian Gulf and access to world-class amenities. The architectural designs blend modern aesthetics with environmental considerations, ensuring energy efficiency and minimal ecological impact.
Commercially, the Lanai Islands aim to attract a global audience by incorporating business hubs, retail centers, and leisure districts. These facilities are intended to support Dubai’s economic growth and cater to the needs of both residents and visitors. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, the islands will serve as a bustling marketplace and a vibrant cultural scene that showcases both local and international brands and artists.
Sustainability is a cornerstone of the Lanai Islands project. Innovative technologies and eco-friendly practices are integrated throughout the development to preserve the marine environment and promote sustainable living. From renewable energy sources to advanced waste management systems, every aspect of the islands is designed with the goal of minimizing environmental footprint and enhancing the quality of life for its inhabitants. This commitment to sustainability not only aligns with global environmental goals but also sets a new standard for future developments around the world.
- 9 houses have been leased in
6 residential complexes since 2015 - 20 houses in progress in
7 housing complexes
- 2 houses have been built, not put into operation
- 8 houses are under construction
- 1 house in the project
- 1 house suspended